Candid Camera (Triptych), 2023
Oil on canvas, photocopy paper, masking tape and glue 76x61cm,76x51cm and 76x91cm

Everything’s Alright (Diptych), 2023
Oil on canvas 80x80cm each panel

Somewhere Elsewhere, 2023
Oil on canvas 76x101cm

Scent of the Abyss,(Triptych), 2023
Oil on canvas, 76x61cm,76x51cm, 76x61cm

Better Things, 2023
Photocopy paper, watercolour and gouache on canvas 76x60cm

Tomorrow’s Going to be a Brighter Day, 2023
Photocopy paper and acrylic on canvas 60x41cm

These are the Days of Our Lives (Diptych), 2023
Oil on canvas 76x51cm and 76x101cm

Over and Over and Over Again (Diptych), 2023
Oil on canvas 101x76cm each panel

Somewhere Nowhere, 2023
Oil on canvas 90x60cm